Author Archives: Vignesh Eswaramoorthy

Electronic Referral system

Referral is the process of transferring patients under care from one healthcare professional to another due to insufficient resources, experience or expertise. The referral process is identified important for outpatient transitional care. Facilitating an electronic referral system will improve communication between caregivers.

Current referral management systems are confusing for patients, 20-40% of a referred patient does not follow through with referrals. There are numerous reasons for this confusion and prominent among them are the below:

1. Communication Gap :

A traditional referral system is a one-way communication method and is difficult to exchange complex information. Such system leads to redundancies and causes repetition of efforts such as re-ordering of tests. It costs not only the quality of care but can jeopardize patient health or have an impact on patient health outcomes.

2. Paper-Based System :

Although over 90% of the healthcare professionals are using EHR system, there is still a lack of interoperability and the referrals (particularly the ones for out of network) cited cannot be communicated, thus forcing the traditional paper way of communication practice and causing inconvenience to the patients. This procedure is unsafe and not HIPAA regulations compliant. Paper records could be misplaced, lost or stolen putting in danger confidential information.

3. No Dedicated System :

Despite referrals being a vital part of care continuum process, most providers are yet to consider employing a referral solution to ease up the task. Providers are worried that an electronic referral system might make the process impersonal or that it requires training to master the process.

Referrals are an integral part of ensuring modern healthcare. As value-based service method becomes more prominent, so will the importance of referral systems. Studies show that an electronic referral system will reduce waiting times and increase access to specialty care and increase.

Major Benefits of Electronic Referral System are as below :

1. Convenient Referral:

Referral and appointment must happen simultaneously, and key activities must be consolidated. The provider should communicate with the patients to choose the right provider. Thus engaging both the parties can improve the level of satisfaction and increase chances of follow through. A referral management system allows easy and fast data update and quick transfer of information.

2. Secure Information Sharing:

With e-referrals, providers can communicate, share data and ensure care requirements are duly fulfilled. Open communication will reduce redundancy. Such channels of continuous communication ensure the quality of care and will augment physician’s ability. It helps the providers to improve quality of care with minimal effort. Ideally, e- referral system should be able to communicate with EHR making documentation faster and simpler, aiding administration.

3. Reduced Appointment Wait Time:

E referral will reduce patient wait time for routine appointments in specialty care. E referrals are properly categorized according to priorities enabling providers to mind to at most pressing cases. Decluttering referrals translates as increased access to care for those who require it and reduced cost of care for the patients. Increase in population, improvement in access to care and longevity is putting greater pressure on providers. Making the process simple will reduce the load on providers and could make the system work for the benefit of all.

4. Patient Safety:

E referrals enhance proper communication of patient medical condition and urgency of the referral ensuring patient who needs immediate attention gets care. Patients are cared for in a timely manner and a more informed provider can reduce chances of error and repeated efforts.

5. Better Coordination and Communication:

Electronic referrals can aid in care coordination within the organization. Forming an easy route of communication, it is a great tool to communicate with specialists, to send information and get feedback in a timely manner. Primary care providers can work closely with specialist improving their understanding of the requirements and improve the patient experience.

6. Safe, Secure and HIPAA Compliant:

Referral tools offer the benefit of easy and efficient communication technology without many hassles. The Internet makes it convenient for patient and providers too. These tools are HIPAA compliant safe and secure form, designed to transfer sensitive patient information.

Population Health Management

There are multiple factors that are involved in determining population health. Thus making it challenging for healthcare professionals to identify the right set of approach to show progress. While it is generally acknowledged for a simple understanding of making ‘our lives’ healthy, it gets complicated when we include aspects that are influencing the change.

The two main components that are involved in calculating the improvement of population health are mortality and quality of life with respect to health. Positive impact on life expectancy and quality of health relies on technology and active participation of patients. Providers are expected to reach out to patients beyond the hospital walls, set health goals and monitor their progress which is more often than not a two way communication.

It is inevitable to have a metric defined at each step to assess the health outcomes of population groups. One size fits for all approach has not yielded many results. Hence it is time for us to think about outcome-based care to better the results and improve the quality of care offered.

How does financial optimization help?

Both payers and the providers aim at reducing healthcare cost. While payers concentrate on reducing the payment that is going out for healthcare services offered to their clients, providers will be working in cutting down their expense and reducing the number of claim rejections they handle month on month. Though all the functionalities of healthcare system have a common goal of reducing costs, the way one party in the system achieves that, could be of conflicting interest for another party in the system resulting in no benefits for either.

Providers should initially identify the areas of overspending in their operations and must be willing to take action. Investing in technology could help them better the way they function. Though it looks like an expenditure at first sight, analyzing the advantages of employing technology will help optimize their spending in various operations within the system. Return on Investment for technology will be seen through operational profit and increasing efficiency of practice.

Health Evaluation of Population

As the old saying goes, prevention is always better than cure. Healthcare providers must keep careful observation of population, and grouping the population must be made by various parameters that will include, demographics, geographic, etc.

Eliminating language barriers and enhancing communication between the patients and caregivers is vital to improving the patient experience. Patients feel more convenient to communicate to caregivers speaking their language and be willing to discuss their health issues.

Putting modern day technology to use, creates a big difference in the outcome. Among healthcare professionals, some of them have shared their success stories about how an implementation of predictive analytics tools in their practice helped them to be more accurate and efficient.

Effective Data Management and Interoperability

Data management plays a crucial role in improving the standards of care provided to the patients. More often independent physicians associated with an IPA or ACO network face the interoperability challenges, which means, patient information data from one system even within the same network is inaccessible. This happens when the systems in a particular network are not capable of communicating with each other.

Effective data management should be put in place in a way, to let the doctors access patient information on the go and be able to make informed medical actions.

Making this idea into a reality will not only save cost but will also have a positive impact in reducing the mortality.

Patient engagement objectives

Percentage of readmission is increasing consistently and it is one of the biggest concern for providers. It has been understood that many a time, a patient is readmitted for reasons that are avoidable, which results in repeated efforts for hospitals,

Including a care continuity plan at the time of discharge could help reducing readmission rates, and the providers are incentivized for providing transitional care planning and execution.

Care continuity is made simple with an evolution of Technology, EHR can be integrated to TCM solution and patient information can be accessed at the time of need without many efforts.

Continuous care and real-time monitoring can not only avoid readmission but will enhance the care provided to the individuals.

Promising World of Telehealth

Information technology has dramatically changed the frontier of every human endeavor, furthering our reach and fast forwarding innovation. But for the most part, the role of IT in healthcare was limited to categorizing and storing of data.

Many healthcare professionals and IT experts have started experimenting with the possibilities of information technology. Telehealth is one such growing trend explored in a field.

Telehealth refers to using information technology to communicate with peers and patients to remotely facilitate diagnosis, consultation, administrate care and treatment. Telehealth is a broader concept than telemedicine, as it includes non-clinical services such as provider training and administrative services.

The concept of telehealth has many advantages for providers and patients, some of which are:

1. Eliminate Geographic Disadvantage:

Telehealthcare tools will enable providers to overcome the geographic barrier by bringing care to patients. Patients in remote and rural areas can connect with specialists and get the quality care they need. Specialists do not have to spend hours traveling to locations and can use those saved hours to treat more patients.

2. Monitoring and Surveillance:

Patient monitoring devices allow patients with high risk to be remotely monitored effectively. This has implications for healthcare professionals and relatives who live at a distance. With the help of such devices, a gap in care can be detected easily, the reaction to medications can be studied, and providers can immediately intervene when the situation demands it.

3. Improve Healthcare Outcome:

The use of modern patient tracking & monitoring technologies in healthcare makes it easy for provider communication. It helps in early diagnosis thus reducing mortality rates. It also brings in better outcome by creating a better care experience.

4. Provider Retention:

Effective implementation and usage of coordinated care system can reduce area isolation by creating a network of peers from nearby areas and communities. Providers have the liberty to access information that is critical for patient recovery based on the inputs from wearables and patient tracking devices. Teleconferencing can be used for sharing information, extending care, taking medical actions when necessary.

5. Care for the Chronically Ill and Patients in Transition:

Telehealth technologies such as virtual care or home monitoring system could benefit chronically ill patients and the patients in transition. Providers can extend guidance in certain procedures, monitor treatment outcomes and implement other care activities. Acting as an additional layer of care, telehealth could be a vital tool in identifying and acting upon real-time data, reducing costly readmission and ICU visits.

Some studies show a correlation between implementation of telehealth and decrease in mortality, which certainly is a great sign of efficiency.

The concept of telehealth has been around in some form or the other for more than a decade but it is yet to be mainstream. The reasons for which are its drawbacks which can be generally categorized into two, operational and legal.

Operational disadvantages include the unreliability of information from health monitoring devices, quality of communication and the need for technical know-how.

The hurdles of legality in rendering telehealth are many, including the licensure and cross-jurisdictional regulations of practice and standards and the lack of laws regarding reimbursement.

But despite these arbitrary drawbacks, telehealth as a concept holds great promises for improving quality of healthcare. And as payers look more closely into the possibility of reducing expensive checkups and hospital admission, telehealth could provide an answer going forward.

Healthcare – Looking forward to a better tomorrow!

The US Healthcare System consumes a large share of the national GDP which is many times more than any other country on healthcare expenditure; despite lavish investments, the system is struggling to meet parameters like population health and improved quality of care. How can countries provide improved health in a cost-effective manner? Find out more!

The idea of Affordable Care Act was the key remedy to this disparity.

The act aims to shift focus on US healthcare system to enhance the quality of care, simultaneously decreasing the costs that are incurred. The act has thus turned a new leaf in medicine and has created new models of care delivery to cater to the needs of today. One of which is Accountable Care Organization or ACO.

The Accountable Care Organizations are a network of doctors, hospitals and other healthcare professionals who are willing to share resources and responsibility for providing patient-centric coordinated care. Although ACOs’ are part of a shared saving scheme and is also an incentive for providing coordinated care.

The ACOs’ is envisioned to be the foundation on which the new era of cost-efficient care will be built, but some hurdles stand in the way of ACOs and their destiny, following are a few prominent problems:

1. Managerial Challenges:

Many ACOs are run by physicians themselves which means all the paperwork, coordination activity and calculating compensation rest on the shoulders of the physicians. These problems are further amplified in case the ACO lacks a well-defined leadership structure and reporting channel.

Outsourcing operational functions can improve operational performance, but this could mean relinquishing self-governance and physician leadership – two essential qualities of ACOs. Hence, it is important for ACOs to choose a system best suited to its nature and needs.

2. Leveraging on Capabilities:

Different caregivers use different EHR systems, and most of them do not have inter-operating capabilities. The ability to generate and securely share patient information is critical for an ACO to reduce redundancy, and achieve its objectives.
In the absence of an interoperable system, physicians cannot coordinate to ensure continuity of care. For ACOs to be successful they have to function as a single entity providing care. The ACO needs to work on a single EHR system or employee interoperable solution to help the EHRs communicate with each other.

3. Ever-Changing Payment Rules:

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), under whose authority a sharing scheme is initiated, may alter or even introduce new schemes and rules sometimes even without much warning. As ACOs grow in efficiency, CMS will adjust the saving targets accordingly and ACOs will find it increasingly difficult to make savings. The ACOs must maintain a flexible operating system to have the ability to turn change into opportunity.

4. Getting More Patients to Participate:

The health of a population cannot be guaranteed without the participation of the population itself. To sidestep this obstacle, the ACOs need to redefine its population to include not only registered patients but also the whole community they serve. Key initiatives should be taken by the ACO to engage the population it serves.

A Stronger Foundation For Tomorrow:

A single step cannot solve a complex problem in a healthcare sector that is usually procedure driven. The ACOs should look for a plausible solution rather than a sufficient answer. The team of practitioners should look at a set of healthcare solutions and focus in the right direction to provide high-quality and cost-efficient health.

Future Hospitals-Healthcare for tomorrow

Hospitals are transforming, partly due to the infusion of new technology, but predominantly because the future demands enhanced quality and value for healthcare. As the way we perceive treatment and healthcare change, the role of hospitals in delivering these services will also undergo a transformation.

Some of these changes will be tangible, like the number of doctors and beds in a hospital, but there will also be some intangible yet impact changes like improvement in physician-patient interactions or in treatment methods

For smooth navigation, the transformation change requires extra effort and commitment from everyone involved in the system. Caregivers in particular must be aware of the change, and the different performance metrics proposed by various government agencies can provide a clear sign of change in this respect.

Here are some of the major changes the industry is expected to undergo in the near future

1. Collaborate for Care Continuity:

Providers and caregivers will move from competition to collaboration to provide care continuity, leading to formation of many more cooperative groups which share duties and responsibilities. Payers aim for continuity of care to reduce healthcare costs and to benefit the patients by reducing mistakes. . This serves as a flexible system for the providers, and in turn, increases revenue and decreases variable cost for providers.

2. Focus on Population Health:

Payers will continue to incentivize population health strategies to reduce healthcare costs, pushing hospitals to concentrate on achieving a broad agenda. This method includes care programs for people with high health risk of hospitalization, and also introduces preventive measures to healthy individuals like preventive screening, creating awareness on preventable diseases or vaccination, etc.

3. Reduce In-Patient Volume:

For the past several years the healthcare system has witnessed a decline in the in-patient numbers along with a proportionate increase in outpatient care. This shift is largely credited to the improvement in technology such as minimal invasive surgeries and advanced anesthesia which allow patients to recover quickly.

As cost efficient, reliable and comprehensive patient monitoring technology becomes widespread, the need for expensive hospital rooms will decrease and patients will prefer the comfort of their homes.

4. Virtual Care:

Information technology tools will allow patients to conveniently connect with providers through a tele-based platform. Providers will be able to monitor patient vitals with the help of various smart health devices, plan treatments, and follow progress without the patient needing to step into a hospital. Providing care anywhere and anytime, this method will dramatically change the way hospitals and treatments are perceived. Although virtual care already exists at some level, connecting patients with caregivers will be vital going forward. It is crucial that caregivers use technology to provide care at the time of need to save many lives.

5. Individual-Centric Care:

Every individual will receive customized treatment depending on individual patient health history, big data analytics and even their genome information. This is a departure from the trial and error method of treatment where doctors match a list of symptoms to a disease and initiate the treatment accordingly. Each case will be treated separately and backed by data, facilitating treatment for the affected individual’s health condition rather than validating generic symptoms to arrive at some conclusion.

6. Developing Integrated Information System:

Healthcare information technology will connect the whole sector providing real time information and secure channels of communication. With data generated by multiple sources and real time monitoring devices, providers can create a single data pool of every individual under their care, making billing and reporting easier for the providers. Such a system can help health systems perform more sophisticated tasks such as data analysis, population health monitoring, etc.

The above are inevitable changes and will affect the healthcare industry as a whole, but what needs to be seen is how individual organizations decide to embrace the future. Whichever way an organization may choose to tackle this change, the future of healthcare is holistic with a more individual-centric focus.

How CMS is Changing Healthcare Dynamics

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has been working continuously with public and private partners to improve present healthcare service models to deliver better results and make the population healthier. Reducing cost is the primary objective, and investing more time in identifying gaps in current practices will help spend dollars intelligently.

The first step in realizing long-term goals of population health is to replace traditional payment models with value-based care, where providers are expected to document every step of the practice, bringing in transparency and accountability.

The purpose of ACA (Accountable Care Act) is to make quality healthcare affordable for all, including patients with pre-existing medical conditions.

Though it is a challenge to upturn the functioning of the healthcare system in a short span, a systematic approach can help achieve the end goal.

Medicare has been quick to come up with a strategy to promote the value-based purchase. About 30% of Medicare payments are expected to be tied to quality metrics through alternative payment methods by the end of this year, and nearly 50% in less than 2 years.

Priorities of National Quality Strategy

According to CMS, the following six aspects are prioritized highly by the NQS:

1. Making care safer by reducing the harm caused in the delivery of care

2. Ensuring each person and their family members are engaged as partners in their care

3. Promoting effective communication and coordination of care

4. Promoting the most effective prevention and treatment practices for the leading causes of mortality, starting with cardiovascular disease

5. Working with communities to promote wide use of best practices to enable healthy living

6. Making quality care more affordable for individuals, families, employers, governments, and communities by developing and spreading new health delivery models.

Minimizing Healthcare Errors

Healthcare related errors are hazardous and could end up curtailing the ambitions of NQS. According to CDS, nearly 1.7 million people are affected by errors due to adverse medication events, sometimes even leading to mortality. The cost involved in treating patients affected by errors are estimated to be $5 billion annually.

While the U.S. healthcare system is considered well-funded, with billions of dollars in spending, the results realized through investment has never been appealing. Countries whose healthcare expenditure is much lesser compared to the U.S., have accomplished better standards in attaining broader goals like population health.

It is alarming to realize the efforts and money spent so far are not sufficient in bringing change at the ground level. It’s high time we reconsider our approach and change the way we look at problems in the healthcare space. Reducing cost cannot be the only priority going forward, since reducing errors that impacts positively on care quality has proven to be of equal importance.

Nearly 70% of healthcare professionals have admitted to not being able to leverage the best of technology. Errors can be minimized by leveraging technology to supplement human effort, reducing ambiguity in decision making and enhancing informed decisions.

Can Technology be a game changer?

In every industry, let alone healthcare, the utilization of Information Technology has changed the way they function. Challenges in healthcare are quite complex and unique by itself, with the need to consider multiple variables before coming up with an appropriate solution. The one-size-fits-all approach may not work here.

Traditionally, providers have been less inclined to initiate implementation of any new technology. Some of them have even come forward to test how predictive analytics could be of use to improve their results in practice. However, integration of a new system to the existing one has never been easy, with more than 50% of the deployments not yielding many benefits.

Healthcare professionals need to partner with a vendor with industry expertise, and experience who could provide responsive solution thereby increasing the probability of successful technology deployment.

A strong Health IT infrastructure, involving new age practices like patient tracking, setting goals and monitoring health status should be included in electronic health records. The system should be able to collaborate and gather information from different systems to generate unified reports with actionable insights on one dashboard.

CMS encourages innovations leading to the effective change in the healthcare space, and have made it a requirement for their partners to deliver along the chain of healthcare space to show progress in real value.