Author Archives: Vignesh Eswaramoorthy

Rising Cost of Healthcare

The United States government spends more on healthcare compared to other countries in the world. According to World Health Organization, US spent 17.9% of its GDP in 2011, which is considered to be the highest in the world. Experts say this will increase to 19.5% of GDP by 2017.

From a report, of each dollar spent on healthcare goes 30% to a hospital, 20% to physicians, 10% to prescription drugs, 6% for nursing and continued care, 4% to administrative cost etc.

Even after spending much more on healthcare per capita, US healthcare system has not seen better outcome while other countries spend less, but their outcome is more. The following are some of the reasons why US healthcare cost is rising.

1. Growing Aging Population

.Life Expectancy of an American has significantly increased to 79.1 years in 2015 from 77.9 years in 2007, means the United States population ages 65 and older will nearly double in future.
The aging of the population also has important implications for future Medicare spending. Because an increase in population age has a significant impact on government’s Medicare Expenditure.

Yet population aging is one factor which is not directly related to increases in health care cost.

2. Technology Advancement

Technology is one of the major contributors to increasing overall healthcare cost. Medical devices or instruments help doctors to give effective treatment.
Technology opens up to the wide range of treatment options by replacing older less cost treatment and gives the highest order possible in terms of care delivery.
Understandably the US has a big market for medical technology.

3. Drugs

Another massive reason for increasing Healthcare cost is because of increase in drug price. Production of new drug incurs the most cost, as it involves years of research & development than producing an existing product. It is a competitive market, drug manufacturers fix their own pricing depending on the market needs and supply to demand ration, which has an impact on the patient’s medical bill.

4. Physician Fees

Physicians in the US are highly paid compared to physicians in other countries. However, availability of primary care physicians are less in number, hence patients are mostly treated by the specialist whose remuneration is relatively higher than primary care physicians.

5. Administrative Cost

Approximately, the US healthcare spends 20-30% on administration. Hospitals have many departments, bills to manage and to deal with payers. Other countries have single payer so they do not have work burden and cost is comparatively less. But US hospital deals with multiple payers and contractors which makes process complex and expenditure directly proportional to complexity.

6. Treatment Process

Physicians in the US are very cautious by nature, considering patient’s health conditions they take multiple tests to diagnose and ascertain any disease to avoid any negligible chances of wrong medication. This process increases the number of people involved, and dependence on technology which automatically increases the cost.

7. Lifestyle

Living for long years does not mean living a healthy life. Due to poor eating habits and lifestyle, many people are prone to diseases.

There may be many factors like this which may be directly or indirectly linked to increase in healthcare cost but the only goal of healthcare providers is to deliver a better care to their patients. The predominant cause for why cost inflicts high in healthcare is because of its less organized system, complex regulation, and poor management.

This problem can be solved by measuring the actual cost of the treatment and comparing it with the outcome. This process involves only a patient and his disease, it will help us realize measurable change by calculating accurate cost and value delivered into healthcare practices. But in current system finding the actual cost is challenging, and the value of care is not proportionate either.

Appropriate treatment has to be carried out immaterial of the cost. The health of an individual in a population should be given utmost importance without any monetary constraints.

If the US government takes charge then there will be a possible reduction in cost. Government starting to negotiate costs based on health outcomes might as well help in optimizing their spending on the annual bill while achieving desired results.

Promoting transparency in healthcare and providing affordable drugs will help people to get better health at less cost.

“We need more transparency in our healthcare system; we need to drive improvements in health IT; we need to make it easier to get data on how much treatments actually cost and how effective they are so providers, payers and consumers all can make better decisions.”- Clinton said at HIMSS14

Micro Hospitals Reforming Macro Healthcare Environment

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together” likewise population health can be achieved by improving the individual health of the community. Small is the new big healthcare, and this rule will transform future care delivery system!

Either an ambulatory setting or an urgent care is not enough to meet the modern demand and has no sufficient facilities for inpatients. To react to this change in patient expectation large hospitals are opening micro-hospitals in the places of need.

Micro hospitals also called the community hospital, are licensed facilities which enable quicker treatment for emergency care patients, and may also offer services like outpatient surgery, primary care, and other specified services. Michael Slubowski, President, and CEO of SGL Health said Micro Hospitals will have two or three story buildings- around 35,000 to 45,000 square feet, and some are already set up near neighborhood by offering all facilities in small single place.

He also stated that none of the two Micro hospitals will look alike in facilities or services they supply. But they all have the emergency department, imaging system, laboratories, and pharmacies as facilities in common. Other facilities like primary care, women’s services, dietary services and outpatient surgeries will be included as per the needs of the community.

Fred Bentley, a vice president at the Center for Payment & Delivery Innovation at Avalere Health, said this is the right time for all healthcare systems to establish their market. If your customer is rich, and you have a service then you can fill the demand.

Why is Micro needed?

Lack of inpatient facilities in large hospitals and urgent care made people suffer. Building a full facility hospital is a big money but micro-hospital costs less and it serves the particular community needs. Micro hospitals are specially designed for EDs, inpatient beds are to accommodate people who are done with surgery. Also, some disease cannot be found at an instant, those patients need to have a closer observation. And that is the reason why micro is equipped with 8-10 inpatient facility.

Benefits of Mini Hospitals

1. Micro Hospitals are built near neighborhood so the people can access easily it makes care convenient for the population that a hospital serves.

2. They help to connect patients with specialty and primary care physician networks, For example, In Vegas, a micro hospital’s second floor is designed with separate specialty and primary care physician offices.

3. Micro hospitals cost relatively higher than urgent care but lower than hospitals. The reason why it has high cost compared to urgent care is they lack inpatient facilities.

4. Telehealth facilities are offered for integrated care and care continuity. They have trained physicians, nurses and other specialists to ensure care across the care continuum.

Connecting Rural Areas

Micro-hospitals can bridge the gap in care delivery, and quality for a population in rural and underdeveloped areas. Due to its low-cost nature, and intimate delivery model, micro hospitals proves to be ideal in a rural setup. But the micro hospital model is not just for the rural populace, it is gaining prominence in the present age when the healthcare industry is looking to reduce cost and improve patient care experience.

Mobile Health Technology

Mobile phone usage is tremendously increasing day by day. So as a purpose of it, every industry has been reinventing their way of functioning to accommodate the changes mobility has brought in. When people start experiencing new things they become addictive to innovative technology. This transition has also affected healthcare industry on a massive scale.

Current day Health Care system faces many problems such as shortage of nurses, a fewer number of physicians and not to forget about implications of MACRA new physician payment method. It is becoming increasingly tough to operate without relying on technology.

Increase in demand has maximized the need for innovation around mHealth. It is an incredible advancement showing enormous positive results, removing the barriers of the olden days.

Digital transformation in healthcare is great, but the question is “Does technology foster customer to engage in their own health?”

Today, people have numerous options and are confused to pick out one healthcare app on the market. As on date, there are thousands of medical apps listed in mHealth space, which can be accessed from anywhere.

It is beyond certainty that mobile health will help improve care delivery and impact patient outcomes in the near future with a more reliable, and near to real-time data which makes it efficient. However, there’s a security risk attached to it while managing data from different applications.

Data integration is challenging, especially when there is more than one data source. It should be the providers call to choose an optimum health application, and induce patients to use it instead of letting patient choosing according to their choice and leaving compatibility a matter of concern.

Surveys say physicians are reluctant to recommend the use of health applications to their patients. Adapting quick changes is not an easy step for doctors.

Of course, it is neither been easy for patients. Following are some of the benefits of mHealth:

1. Patient engagement

Mobile apps are user-friendly and come free of cost but success ratio to engage patient is relatively less. People have easy access to health tools via smartphones but are not willing to learn to make full use of it.
Progress is possible only when patients show real interest in improving their health. Unless patient’s show dedication there will not be any positive results, and intervention of health applications may not yield desired results.

2. Better Clinical Support

Clinical Decision Support process becomes easier after the integration of EMR with mobile technology. Traditional system has more complexity in the integrated workflow of clinicians. Now, with the use of apps, clinicians can recommend drugs, diagnose and treat patients, and also be aware of current practice guidelines, which reduces their burden of work.

3. Better Communication

Though patients and doctors have face-to-face interactions, problems are not communicated effectively. Improper and non-scientific communication of symptoms makes it difficult for doctors to diagnose the disease.

Also, people with one or more chronic diseases face difficulties in meeting their doctor’s post-discharge. With the help of wearable synced with mHealth apps, doctors can track progress, and also deliver appropriate guidance to ensure they are healthy.

4. Improved Practice Workflow

Doctors can view their patient record instantly anytime, anywhere, and can send the right patient data to specialist during referral process.
Clinically integrated EHR helps a physician to effectively use it in and out of the network. Physician practice workflow becomes convenient and efficient with technology enhancement.

5. Access to Information

Patients can access their health information from portal through mobile apps, and view their record online, download or transfer. Providers can communicate with patients electronically to remind about their meetings with the physician, prescription refill etc.

6. Enhanced Care

Mobile health helps in monitoring patients after they get discharged.
Patient’s 30 days post discharge is the critical time of recovery, and which can avoid possible readmission. Patient health app opens doors to insightful information which can be used to enhance care quality significantly.

Interestingly, mHealth is a fortune that healthcare industry hasn’t utilized to fullest of its potentials.

In Defense Of MACRA

The changes made in the healthcare space by the Federal Government over the past few years has been a concern for the family physicians and small practices. In addition, the proposed Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) which is scheduled to come next year have been a major source of excitement.

“This piece is not to support or oppose the act but proposes a rational dialog about its advantages when the general sense has not been very receptive.”

Family physicians and small practices fear MACRA because of its complexity (the act is almost a 1000 pages) and also for the fact that it can impact their revenue generation capabilities. The opponents of the act point out that small and medium practices lack the capital and infrastructure to implement the changes required to adapt to the new reporting requirements. But the act also has a few benefits and the most important are listed below:

Declutter the reporting
Chance for positive revenue
Clinical Integration
Departure from fee-for-service

1. Declutter the reporting:

MACRA is an attempt to declutter the complex reporting requirements and make it into one, which will reduce the burden of separate reporting. With MACRA the PQRS, Advanced care, Meaningful use are brought into one Quality Payment program QPP. Although there are two models under this program, the provider is only in either of the two.

2. Chance for positive revenue:

MACRA proposes to incentivize providers on the basis of their published rank, which will be a direct increase in their revenue, unlike the system in place now which gives no incentives but penalties. MACRA allows for positive payment adjustments, besides MACRA’s maximum potential penalty for failing to meet standards are less than the current reporting programs.

3. Clinical Integration:

MACRA Act promotes clinical integration with incentives. The model is designed to encourage practice, to provide joining efforts and to improve population health. This aspect is, what the critics like to call ‘kills individual practices’, changing the old model. Yes, the old model is being changed, and it is not just MACRA. Every new legislation, step, the procedure that CMS employs is to create this change in the system, not just MACRA. Clinical integration can improve patient care quality and lead to the reduction in cost.

4. Departure from Fee-For-Service:

This is what it all boils down to. CMS aims to reduce the amount spent on healthcare and improves the quality of care the population receives. MACRA is yet another organized step in this direction; with its strong words MACRA will allow American healthcare industry to take a giant leap in the direction of value-based service.

It will not be easy to embrace MACRA, with all its complexity and questions, it is yet to answer. But, the fact remains that MACRA is absolutely an improvement on the systems now in place. A lot can be done to improve and make it easier for the benefit of all that is involved, but scrapping is not an option at this point. The unprecedented support this legislation enjoys from both side of the aisle is a testament to public support the act receives.

MACRA is certain to create a few hiccups which in any case can be discussed and ironed out. After all, no solution is perfect and results uncertain till testing.

The Coming of ICD-10

On October 1st 2016, the grace period for ICD-10 coded medical claim will end. Providers under Medicare, Medicaid and Private insurers (few who has yet to implement the change) will have to file reimbursement claims only under the new ICD codes.

International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision is a standardized coding of diseases, conditions, symptoms, complications, causes, etc., developed by WTO. ICD-10 is the updated version of ICD-9 code in general use now.

ICD-9 has 11,000 codes but the improved ICD-10 proposes a comprehensive 70,000 individual codes for each and every condition, treatment and diseases. Herein lies the reason for providers concern. It is feared that when providers are filing on, this may complicate the process, and also so many codes may increase the chances of error, leading to increase in claim denials.

Following are the reason why Federal agencies were ardent on ICD-10 and want to push on with it despite provider’s worries.

3.Public health concerns
4.Performance Monitor


ICD-10 is a more robust design, in accommodating new procedures and treatments. It can potentially store more data regarding a patient, treatment and is better in scaling the severity of the situation. Clarity of the situation will help tracking care quality, and for payers, it can identify patient population with their disease.


The effort behind the development of ICD-10 codes was the gathering of data about diseases and treatments. More data will lead to more clarity in healthcare deliverance and accurate identification of expenditure, care and result. Increase in number of codes will allow in standardization and will help remove ambiguity caused by fewer codes, this can also reduce fraud and diversion of healthcare fund.

Public health:

Code based monitoring of the public health can help identify general public health risks and problems.US has the worst record in population health among the whole of industrious nations. A standard, unique coding system can help in early detection and taking action against any population health concerns.

Performance Monitor:

Precise recording of medical conditions and treatments is crucial in measuring and comparing various parameters such as cost, medical procedures etc. In-depth details will allow providers to evaluate their own performance and payers to understand the population more preciously. As payers are connecting patient health outcome (performance) to cost (reimbursement), a detailed coding system will come in handy.

ICD-10, a more detailed code to mark diseases and healthcare procedures, and the sheer number of them may seem a bit too complicated. But, the fact is ICD-10 code by very reason of being so complex will eliminate ambiguity in reimbursement filing. It is one of the most anticipated change in healthcare, and also the most trained for, partially thanks to the delay.

MACRA – The Path to Value

As the Healthcare Industry is transforming from fee- for- service to value-based- service, Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) leads a way to reach value and quality. MACRA brings a powerful change in payment model.

Healthcare System aims to make people healthy by providing better care. And, this is achieved by focusing on incentives, care delivery, and information sharing.

MACRA prioritizes on quality than quantity. To deliver good care, a physician needs to perform well. And their performance should be evaluated and rated. Each physician is paid based on their individual rating score. This way of payment will improve care possibilities and lower cost associated with it.

MACRA will establish new reporting measures called Quality Payment Program (QPP). QPP opens two paths to reporting; Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Alternative Payment Model (APM). Physician or practitioner can choose any one of the models to participate in MACRA.

Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)

MIPS will consolidate three existing programs which are Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS), Value-Based Payment Modifier and EHR incentive program.

Physicians and practitioners who are evaluated under MIPS will have the score of 0-100. This score will either increase or decrease the payment by 4% to 9%.

An individual score is comprised of the following category (with relative weights)

1.Quality of care which replaces PQRS (50%)
2.Resource use which replaces value-based modifier program (10%)
3.Clinical Practice Improvement Activities (15%)

These activities are similar to PCMH. Clinical practices must have minimum 1 activity, and for every increase in activity, they will be awarded extra credits. Recognized PCMH will get full credit.

4.Meaningful Use certified EHR technology (25%)

EHR MU helps to advance care system. Ratings are given based on effective usage of EHR.

Based on this composite score, they will either receive positive, negative or neutral incentives. Starting from 4% of penalty or incentive in 2019 and it will gradually increase or decrease over years.

Physicians excluded from MIPS are:

The first year of Medicare providers
Provider’s Medicare patient volume below the threshold value
Eligible providers of APMs who qualify for the bonus payment

Alternative Payment Model (APM)<

APM is another approach to payment through Medicare. Most possible eligible players are ACO and PCMH. Not all providers of APM are eligible, but they still can participate in MACRA. In APMs, who are not Qualified Participants (QP) will receive a favorable score. If they participate their MIPS score will increase.

Meanwhile, eligible QPs come under Advanced APMs. Physicians of Advanced APMs are excluded from MIPS but will get a lump sum bonus payment of 5%. Also, they receive highest fee schedule update.

MACRA Impact on Small Practices:

Meeting the requirements of MACRA will be a time-consuming process for all small practices. They are at the high risk of facing negative payment adjustments during the first year implementation of MACRA.

CMS estimates there are 87% eligible solo practices clinicians and they all will face a penalty in 2019. On the other hand, large practices will receive positive payments.

To make this odd payment even, HHS announced they will spend $20 million per year for next 5 years in funding small practices to help them prepare for MACRA. Practices in remote areas will get benefitted from this program.

This could help them to improve their Clinical Practice Improvement Activities which will help in attaining the broader initiatives of CMS.