Author Archives: Vignesh Eswaramoorthy

Referral – What a PCP and Patient need to know!

Communication is a critical aspect of healthcare. Most healthcare providers across the country have systems, processes, and procedures implemented to ensure smooth flow of communication. However, such innovations are largely focused on improving in-facility communication, resulting in poor communication between facilities.

The ability to send and receive information between facilities can not only improve the patient healthcare outcome but also enhance healthcare efficiency. A referral management software would simplify procedures between primary care physicians and patients. It would also help PCPs to closely monitor the progress or the outcome of the patients who are referred to a specialist.

Problems With Conventional Referrals:

  1. Physician refer patients but cannot follow up
  2. Lack of communication between primary physicians and patients
  3. Patients not meeting the referred specialist
  4. It is impossible to send follow-up information

The existing problems listed above highlight the Complexity in current referral procedures. The root of these issues can be traced to the physician’s practice because they are the ones who initiate a referral.

Here are some key points that PCPs are expected to validate before sending out a referral to a specialist.

Get to Know Your Patients More

Knowing a patient is as important as knowing about the problems they have. The patient outcome should be foreseen before a referral is made. Most patients visit one PCP whom they trust to a great extent. If the referral process does not meet their expectations, the patients may seek alternative options.

In some cases, patients get the second opinion from another physician after getting suggestions from a specialist. This scenario happens quite often despite being a reverse process. This shows the importance of PCP in the referral cycle as it is their responsibility to ensure patients’ smooth transition and get the required care.

Do Patients Really Need Specialists?

Once a patient selects their PCP, they generally don’t see any other physician or specialist unless a need arises. Here PCPs are the generalists who take full responsibility for their patient. Before getting a patient to step into the specialist’s office they must identify a clear need for the specialist’s visit.

Also, general practitioners could solve many of the patient’s problems without the need for a specialist’s help. Only in some cases do physicians require additional visits to identify the problem. If after multiple visits they cannot diagnose the problem they will send patients to a specialist at the time of need as they are primarily liable for their patient’s care.

Managing the Referral

To avoid any delay in patient diagnosis, some physicians make referrals frequently. But referring more does not mean it is the optimal approach.

Most referrals happen within the network. Physicians send patients to specialists who are known to them and these specialists can easily follow up to them, which helps in closing the referral loop. When this process does not go as planned then the PCP will stop referring to that particular specialist as referral closure is important to identify the patient’s health status.

Key points a patient must be aware of:

  1. Referral is an important process in healthcare
  2. Referral success partially depends on patient cooperation
  3. The referral will require some patient-related data transfer and some methods of data transfer are safer than others.

How Not to Share Patient Information For Referral

The medical referral process is an important part of ambulatory care in the US. Medical referrals have a direct connection to patient health outcome and the provider’s revenue flow. Patient-specific information and the need to keep it safe is even more important.
To protect patient information from falling into the wrong hands, healthcare providers use various procedures and processes to ensure maximum security but when it comes to referral workflow there are no standard procedures nor any secure technology to ensure information safety.

Gigabytes of patient records are compromised each year because providers do not have processes, the required technology or is unaware of HIPAA regulations. Here is how not to share patient information during referral.

Email Is Not What You Think It Is:

Many providers rely on emails to send and receive patient information instantly. Emails are easy and a lot faster than faxes but the problem with emails is that the files sent through with emails are generally un-encrypted when transmitted or when saved leaving patient information sensitive to theft. Using emails to share patient-related data is against HIPAA compliant and according to HIPAA, the provider is held responsible for any breach.

Beware Of Faxes:

Faxes are the most common format to send and receive patient information between practices. Regular faxes are affected by the problem of encryption; since these files are not encrypted, this information could be accessed by an individual with access to phone lines and basic knowledge of the system. Faxes are slow and time-consuming and do not support all type of file formats. Received faxes are usually kept in the machine for some time exposing patient information to unauthorized people. Faxes leave a paper trail of patient information which will practically result in making EMR/EHR systems useless.

Triplicate Form:

Although triplicate forms sound straightforward, practically triplicate forms transfer the process of referring a patient from provider to patient or patient’s skin. The patient is left with the challenge of coordinating between physician offices – calling referral coordinators, faxing files to specialists’ office. Often a patient will have to request an appointment with multiple specialists which means sending sensitive patient information to specialists office who may not be taking care of the patient at all.

Sharing patient information is crucial in the medical referral process, but the systems that the healthcare providers use are incompetent to do a fast transfer of patient file and transfer it securely to authorized providers.
Hospitals need to establish clear-cut procedures in case of sharing patient information. Such a procedure should be able to track the flow of patient data and establish standard norms and practices to minimize the possibilities of compromising data.

Referral Software To Reduce Medical Errors & Repeated Efforts

With time and a strong push from Information technology, the healthcare industry is evolving. Every year, health IT companies bring new devices and tools aimed at reducing the burden on healthcare providers.

One particular healthcare industry problem that still seems to be elusive to the prowess of technology is medical errors. Essentially, Medical Errors are preventable negative effects of diagnosis or treatment.

Previously errors occurred because of improper utilization of data. Nowadays errors are made due to over-utilization of data. Physicians who preferred to use hi-tech devices are now afraid to use it. They are afraid because practices now use Electronic Health Record (EHR) and if one fails to update, the entire people involved in care will face difficulties.

In the USA, except for few practices, others have already implemented EHR system. These records are used to treat, refer, and to make all important clinical decisions. Physicians are put in a situation to handle too many data having a chance of causing errors. Most of the medical errors are made by physicians while utilizing these records in their busy schedule and these mistakes are directly tied up with patient records.

Likewise, errors are also made while referring a patient. Sometimes there is a possibility of sending wrong data while referring a patient. These incorrect referrals are found when referral coordinators call the wrong patient to confirm the appointments. At the same time, the concerned patient who needs a specialist visit will be waiting for the call to fix an appointment. This small error adds up over-time to cost-time, effort and money.

Repeated procedures are also another problem that contributes to the additional cost to patients which is not yet addressed by many hospitals. Patients are often requested to run repeat diagnosis and tests.

As requested patients will also repeat certain tests multiple times unknowingly by putting themselves in danger. Tests like CT scan and other imaging causes exposure to some radiations. By taking these tests multiple times they will end up with the high risk of getting cancer. Procedure repeat could be avoidable when all scanning image records are synced with an EHR. Timely update of all the patient-relevant details into their EHR will help to develop a better workflow.

The poor integration of EHR technology or medical device within a hospital is also noted as a potential cause of medical errors. Also, patients keep switching the network when they don’t find the right specialist. A practice with referral software will help to solve this problem.

A referral software enables smooth communication between the specialist and the PCP, PCPs will receive information back from the specialists. Improved communication with the help of referral solution could reduce medical errors and curb repeated tests and diagnosis.

A Referral Management Solution can Help the practice too,

1. Identify the right specialist
2. Closes communication gaps if any by enhancing the doctor-patient communication
3. Increase the utilization of medical records
4. Makes process simpler and effective
5. Reduce effort, time and repeated tests
6. Decrease wait time and scheduling problems

3 Reasons Why A Referral Process Goes Incomplete

15 billion faxes are sent out for referrals every year and 50 percent of it never ends up in doctor visits. A referral cycle starts and ends with a general practitioner to ensure referral completion. When the loop is not closed then the referral is incomplete. Following are the reasons for incomplete referrals:

No Show

Referrals are made to provide better care for patients. It is their responsibility to meet the specialist to whom they are referred. Consider, if every 1 out of 3 patient referrals doesn’t turn up, there will be a huge loss to hospitals and to the consultant who spends their valuable time on this. In some cases, patients meet the specialist but fail to follow up with their referring physicians which makes them unable to close the referral loop they initiated. An incomplete referral means incomplete medical records.

Physicians who refer a patient to a specialist will send the detailed medical history of the patient which helps the specialist to identify the problem while diagnosing. After treatment, the specialist will send the report back to the physician and the physician will update the EMR. When this process is not completed then the patient record will not be updated. So closing the loop is an essential step because sometimes important details may be missed. If a patient wishes to see an outside provider with this incomplete record it may lead to medical errors.

Poor Physician Network

In a day, a physician makes a minimum of 10 to 20 referrals. But do you know whether your physician is making a correct referral or not? It is found that over 19 million clinically inappropriate physician referrals occur each year. The reason for a referral mistake is lack of secure and reliable communication channels between practices. Physicians should be more aware of their referral habits which will be useful in monitoring the problems in their workflow.

More than 65 percent of the physicians lack information about the specialists. Some physicians don’t even know that they have a specialist within their network and they refer their patient to outside providers resulting in losing their valuable patients which are called as referral leakage.
Relationship and networking are important in making correct referrals which helps to build trust and reduce leakage. Relationships and expertise will always help to provide excellent care.

No Improvement in Technology

Most of the hospitals still follow the paper-based method in their practice. To increase the revenue, hospitals should adapt to latest technologies. With technology, it is easy to overcome the above two problems.

Most of the follow-ups don’t happen because patients have forgotten about the scheduled meeting or they do not have time to meet the specialist. This problem can be solved by sending reminders about appointments and allowing them to fix their own appointments. Similarly, updating the specialist list will help physicians to identify the specialist availability and they can perform correct referrals.

It is not only technology and hospital processes that change time to time, but also patient’s mind changes due to external influences. Maintaining a correct patient record is important to give right treatment.
HealthviewX Referral Management Solution is an end-to-end referral workflow management platform which will keep PCPs in the referral loop and specialists can access all the necessary information they may require.

Why Referral Matters for Population Health?

Population Health has been the buzzword for some time now and is used excessively by healthcare providers of all kinds and large employers amongst others. One reason for this is, of course, the concept is in itself broad and can include many things.

The basic concept of population health can be defined as understanding healthcare needs of a patient population and proactive intervention based on group variations of healthcare requirements to achieve population health quality outcomes.

Population Health Management proposes a holistic approach to healthcare delivery and better outcome, that is the reason why managing referral network becomes important in the process.

Ensure Continuity of Care

The Providers participating in a population health model have a bigger stake in the continuity of care their patient population has been receiving.National statistics on referral indicates more than 40% of the referred patients do not go to recommended specialists therefore maybe unsettling to general providers. A referral Management solution can most definitely improve those numbers or at least identify the reasons why patients are reluctant to see a specialist.

Keeping the PCP in the Loop

An intelligent medical referral solution allows PCPs to consult with the specialist and make an informed decision in directing patient care. Referral management solution will ensure a good level of communication during and after the referral is complete. Primary providers in the absence of a medical referral solution have no means of knowing the status of the referral at regular intervals. After a referral Primary provider may not be able to know the specialist’s diagnosis and understand the outcome of the process closing the referral loop

Patient Population Requirements

The PCPs who consult several patients a day have no reliable well-documented source to understand the various needs of the population that they serve. The result of lack of capabilities will push PCPs to refer patients to specialists outside of their network to serve and address the needs of a patient.

Employing Analytics

Identifying the right data set from different sources to achieve the measureable outcome is not an easy task. Healthcare industry is slowly adapting to new age technologies and leveraging data insights from the information gathered by analytics tools. For example, if a PCP is able to evaluate the data from the past 6 to 12 months, it will help him understand the strength, weakness and yield more revenue opportunities for the practice and prevent revenue leakage through referrals made outside of the network.

Referral Leakage And Ways To Prevent It

Referral leakage (also called as Network Leakage) happens when primary care physician (PCP) refers their patients to health care provider or specialist (outside the network). When this referral process tends to take place repeatedly it will lead to loss of revenue.

Referrals are made to provide better care to patients by avoiding medical complications. PCP’s will not refer patients to other practice specialists until there is a necessity. The PCP send patients to outside providers because they don’t have proper facility, or lack in quality equipment, resource to treat them and in some situation, the patient wishes to get referred or there is a medical emergency.
Referral leakage not only eats up the revenue but also results in patient leaving your network. So if organizations are making many referrals to outside providers then you need to identify why the physicians are referring them out. Because the patients whom you are referring out may not return back which means you are losing your valuable patient. Followings are some reasons why health organizations lose their patients due to referral leakage:

  • Not enough resources available or when the organization has limited access
  • Patients who want to seek a second opinion from the specialist
  • When geographical location or distance is a concern
  • When patient-physician meeting did not happen at the scheduled time
  • Expensive specialist
  • Poor facility and service
  • The gap in patient-provider communication

To have a tight hold of your patients, you will need an effective software system which must have the capability of capturing or tracking data to disclose all the referral network pattern. Implementing referral system into your practice will make your practice management steps easier.

Identify a software with following capabilities:

  • Ability to track the referral network pattern (both inside and outside)
  • Identifies patients who leave your organizations
  • Captures reason for being referred out (i.e. lack of resources or specialist, emergency etc.)
  • Records all details related to a referral made (such as outside provider name, location, referred physician, the reason for referring)
  • Dashboard which has all detailed about IN & OUT referral that help to get better insights

Tools will give all required patient details which will also help to update patient information within the network. Using data analytics will help to get insights about data that will help prevent leakage by focusing on three key areas: Network Pattern, Network Optimization, and Growth Planning.

Understanding current network pattern
Analyze and understand the behavior of patients both inside and outside of the network across practices, physicians, and locations. Using web-based solutions, track these data to reveal the referral pattern. Using that pattern to educate in-network providers to minimize the referral leakage.

Perfecting current process to prevent leakage
Daily reporting on patient’s health status and usage of tools help to gather information to trace patient behavior pattern. So providers need to improve physician awareness with reporting tools.

It is providers’ responsibility to keep their loyal patients. To retain their patients they first need to identify what’s patient expectation from competitors practice. Identify the gaps and implement it in practice to avoid a patient shift to other networks.

Building a better care system
Equipping health systems with software tools will help to optimize referral networks. By focusing on network optimization, we not only reduce referral leakage it also directs healthcare system on the right path. So healthcare organizations need to build clinical integration networks.

Referrals impact adversely in the revenue cycle of providers, and they most often fail to realize the importance of losing a patient and revenue while directing patients to a specialist outside of their network which could be prevented by building clinically integrated networks that will help to analyze problems within the network and prevents referral leakage.